Just your average Adonitologist Clown here to entertain you all with my stories. Be very afraid.

Stefan Clark @CurlyStepper

Age 26, Male


Clown College

The Sewers w/ toy boat

Joined on 6/7/19

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The other night I had a somewhat vivid dream, though how I’m about to write it may or may not be out of order, I just simply can’t remember which came first.

It starts off with me at some sort of ginormous amusement, so big it’s split into at least three different amusement parks in one! Park one, park two, and park three is a water ride/beach theme.

I was wearing a swimsuit so I was more prepared to go to park three, but the lines to get in were insanely long, and I had no express pass to get in quicker while rubbing it in the other people in line’s faces. So I tried to head to park two, but unfortunately THAT line was packed like sardines as well! 

So I believe I started looking for park one (logically) but was going past park three again, so obviously I quickly got lost. I swear I have the worst sense of direction of all time in my dreams, I ALWAYS get lost! Even though I logically should be looking for park one, I was in my dream mind looking for park two, I’m guessing so that I know I’m going the right way.

Eventually I end up in some sort of park building, probably was an employee office, because before you know it, I’m for some reason going behind some service desk, up a few stairs into a door, go into said door, and then was met with a dark greenish hallway with doors on both sides that goes down a small ways. I knew in my mind and heart that I was not supposed to be here. 

Now, I don’t remember if this was a canon part of the dream, or if my dream self fantasized about this in dream, but there was a point in those very same creepy halls I was chased by Foxy from FNAF. I would wait inside a room with camera footage inside so I can see when Foxy leaves so I can rush to get behind another door. The trick is to wait for him to walk away as far off as possible, because as soon as I’m out the door, he senses me and starts making a fast run for me. I’d do this room by room, waiting til he’s far away before booking it for the next door.

The next part that happens I think is due to the result of my mind getting bored, so before you know it, I ended up either watching a Nostalgia Critic anime movie, or the events that happen take place in real (dream) life, since the setting for some of it take place at the very same theme park!

The NC movie starts off with him debating/reviewing a bunch of random movies with all sorts of different Hollywood celebrities all trying to defend their products while also giving their own criticisms to different movies. Eventually, a cut away happens and now Doug Walker is begrudgingly an anime protagonist having to fight with a bunch of antagonists despite not wanting to buy because his anime partner (can’t remember who it was, probably Geno from One Punch Man) keeps picking fights with bad guys. One villain, whom I’m pretty sure was the slime guy from One Piece, even asks Critic maniacally if he even wants to do this and NC responds with “Of Course not, I didn’t ask for any of this, but I guess someone has to stop you!”

The slime man had a completely different voice from his dub voice by the way because I guess I subconsciously hated how he sounded.

And that was about all I can remember, I guess we can just assume Nostalgia Critic defeated the bad guys and then went on to review the Boy in the Striped Pajamas movie.

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