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Recent Movie Reviews

44 Movie Reviews

Good on these teens for not needing an animal mascot to get out of this one!

Really liked how the occasional style change and overall aesthetic reminds me of LuckyBoy, which is one of my favorite animations on here so you KNOW this is getting a fav from me!

Great animation and collab, though you can tell this was intended for YouTube, asking us to subscribe and what not, but I did follow, as one does on NG

As someone who has mained Teemo the short time I played LOL, I wish I knew about this strategy back in the day

Recent Audio Reviews

13 Audio Reviews

Can imagine Osmosis Jones bobbing his head to the beat, just chillin with the other cells

Smooth vibin.

This song is all that Garfield hears throughout his Monday routines, as the dread seeps over him every second the day goes by. He may not have a job or school to go back to, but the sort of Anti-Magic the power of Monday holds on his daily, making them 200x more unbearable, all while this plays on loop, driving into his subconscious to remind him: Tuesday’s a long 24 hours away.
He may not like this song, but I sure thought it sounded pretty good. Good job!

Recent Art Reviews

155 Art Reviews

I was so confused about why the girl was completely naked, I just had to go back to the other pages to get the context.
Gotta make it rain somehow I guess.
Since she’s a white woman, I bet she can get that bear to help, it’s no horse, but it’ll have to do.

From Mega Man boss to Mega Man X boss!

Better game grumps!

Just your average Adonitologist Clown here to entertain you all with my stories. Be very afraid.

Stefan R. @CurlyStepper

Age 26, Male


Clown College

The Sewers w/ toy boat

Joined on 6/7/19

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